Jitter and Shift randomizing - over selected frames

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Jitter and Shift randomizing - over selected frames

Post by Svengali »

Say I have a 10-frame sequence... If I create a gesture/stroke using a cutbrush in frame 1, then want to repeat the gesture with some random Jitter and/or random Shift to the repeating stamp-cutbrush in the stroke, I first undo the stroke/gesture, then select the 10-frame sequence, then press enter to apply the same stroke over the 10 frames, I EXPECT some variation, frame to frame, in the Jitter and Shift of the stamping cutbrush...

But randomizing seems to only be applied once (with the same random Jitter and Shift duplicated over the 10 frames) How can I force Jitter and Random changes for each frame? Or can I...

Answer: It seems to work if I manually advance through the range of frames one at a time. Pressing Enter for each frame forces the random Jitter and Shift to be recalculated.

I guess my question is, is there a way random settings for Jitter and Shift to be, uh, "randomized" for each frame over a selected frame sequence?

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Re: Jitter and Shift randomizing - over selected frames

Post by slowtiger »

Can't you use the noise parameter in the keyframer for this?
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Re: Jitter and Shift randomizing - over selected frames

Post by Svengali »

I like what noise does, but that is different than what I get with a stroke using a cutbrush. Here's an example where each repeat of the cutbrush "jiggles" slightly...
test.gif (111.64 KiB) Viewed 9622 times
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