Cursor Ideas

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Cursor Ideas

Post by Jesoped »

Hi TVP Team,

I would love to see more cursor options, a slimmer cross for example is most definitely at the top of my list. I've always liked the ones in PhotoShop - small, simple and relatively out of the way.
A cross tilted 45 degrees x ( fat and slim ) would also be a welcomed addition - All with free-space in the center ( just like there is in the current TVP Cross ) and optional 1 black pixel in the center, going from black to a lighter shade when laying on top on a dark colour.

A cross consisting of five 1 black pixels - left, right, top, bottom and center - likewise light adaptive.

Also some more options with the circle cursor. A circle with a small slim cross ( leaving free-space in the middle of it ) or a dot in the middle could be one.
Same as the above, but with a larger slim cross, reaching the edge of the innercircle with likewise free-space in the middle, and optional 1 black pixel in the center- 45 and 90 degrees options.

A circle with a slim cross that goes all the way through ( like a plus + ) reaching the edge of the innercircle, vertically and horizontally - 45 and 90 degress options.
And a circle showing the current brush size, with just the circle outline as an option.

And another with the same size changing circle, but with the colour brush size in the center. ( I've read similar requests in another topic, so there must be something about it - thanks Mads ; )
And just the fixed size circle with the current colour brush size display in the middle, all configured to work with the Power, Pressure etc. settings of the pen stylus.

Finally ( so far ; ) it would be great if there was an option that enabled you to see the colour brush size using your pen - no matter what cursor symbol, or specific settings for that matter. I hope some of it made sense, if not I would be happy to draw it.

I hope that the TVP Team embraces some of these ideas, and I look forward to see their take on them. : )

Kind regards,
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