Separate Windows

This section is dedicated to the feature & improvement requests (be sure what you are asking does not exist yet in TVPaint Animation ;) )
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Posts: 68
Joined: 19 Oct 2009, 00:23

Separate Windows

Post by v.veidt »

Hello, I'm a new (extremely satisfied) TVPaint user putting in my two cents. As a Cintiq user, the ability to open a free canvas in a separate window would be very helpful. At the moment, I just stretch the application window across the two monitors and fit the canvas as closely as possible to the monitor, but that does involve some troublesome clipping. Aside from that, you're doing a great job.
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Re: Separate Windows

Post by Elodie »

Hi Vincent,

At the moment, TVP Animation manages can not be on separated canvas like Photoshop (it's a really frequently asked feature, but it require a lot of OS specific development).

Concerning your troubles when clipping, well... there are some topics about it, I will try to find some of them.
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