Cool 9.5 stuff

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Cool 9.5 stuff

Post by Svengali »

Some things I found and like in the 9.5 release:

1. Search for words in the shortcut key editor (makes finding commands MUCH easier)

2. New button command options:
* grab lighttable (store variations?)
* embedded George Script (powerful possibilities)
* Toolbar controls(open,close,toggle) but now with the Key:Interface:Close Window command especially! (thanks for requesting that Ken)

3. Scenes, Clips and Project backups - I still have a lot to understand here, but the concept and the implementation seems very well designed with deep possiblities. Multiple backups - Again, Mark's tut - very good! And the camera which might be useful for other things, too. Experiments.

4. What about those PushImage and PopImage buttons under Miscellaneous in the animator panel, might be some other uses for those, though I'd like to be able to deal from the bottom of the stack, maybe. (I don't think the "tv_imagepush" or "tv_imagepop" commands made it onto the "complete" list of new George commands... but good to know about.)

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Re: Cool 9.5 stuff

Post by KenC »

That toggle windows command is sweet :)

Now I can just have a mess of palettes and windows open in the middle of the screen near where I'm drawing and toggle everything with a key. I also have a palette with the brushes/tools I use all the time, all the buttons have as the last action line "key: interface: toggle windows" so as soon as I pick a tool the window closes. Realy speeds up the workflow.

EDIT: There's search in the keyboard editor now? I didn't even see that, awesome.
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Re: Cool 9.5 stuff

Post by hisko »

Very cool update indeed.
My favorite addition is the wraptool. Finally! The intergration of the instancepanel in the animatorpanel is great too.
The storyboardfunction is a superinvention, very advanced and as far as I can see, very intuitive at the same time.
TVpaint is improving very rapidly.
The interface is much better than it was. Orderly and more easy to grasp. I also like it that the instances can be moved to the right as well to the left.
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Re: Cool 9.5 stuff

Post by Sewie »

Yes, I love those new tools!
At the moment I'm using that new Project Panel like crazy. Very handy for keeping track of different clips and versions.
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Re: Cool 9.5 stuff

Post by Elodie »

Thanks everybody from all the TVPaint Team. It's really nice for us to read these posts =)
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