here is my first TVPaint animated shortfilm. I finished it in february 2009 after 2 and a half month of work. I've done the project at the filmschool where I am teaching. After the story comes to my mind I decided to use TVPaint to learn it and to get a good background for my lectures. I cannot remember what original brush I've used and tweaked to get my final version, maybe it bases on a Photoshop-Brush. However, the hole time of producing this film I was very happy with this software and I think, I will use it again in the future. Thanks for that great tool!

An animator tries to convince his wife that he has a feasible strategy
to survive the financial crisis.
Animated shortfilm by Markus Wende
2D digital : 5′01” : b/w : 16/9 : Stereo : Germany 2009
german dialogues, english subtitles
The idea of the film comes last year in november when my wife and me started to discuss what's to do as an creative media worker, when the financial crisis reaches our home. That's where the story begins. At the moment I try to show the film on different festivals all over the world. Most festivals rejected it, but It was screened among others at Anima Mundi (Brasil) and at SICAF (Rep. of. Korea). You can find some more informations on my website:
I know, this forum section is for WIP, but if you have some critics on this finished work I can take it for future projects.
Last week I decided to publish the film at and that's the place where you can watch it now: ... he-Crisis/
Thanks from Markus