EDIT: oh. seems like Zig beat me to it!
Paul Fierlinger wrote:We had been warned by the lab that we will be disappointed with the colors, that the film dyes cannot match the brilliance of digital colors, but even there we were both perfectly satisfied.
Film is the undoubted king of projection. dulled colors or not, it gives the image this evasive magic feel. I wish I could have my work on film too.
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Have you been doing anything interesting these past couple of years?
a year and a half ago I did the animation for a short film about uprisings in London in the 30s against the fascist party. Funny subject, but I got to do quite a bit of animation in a short time.
After that I lingered a bit and worked mainly doing animation workshops for children in schools and after school clubs.
Then I moved back to Israel, and made a couple of music videos.
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Here's another worry of mine: will the cursor plugin with the pen image for a cursor still work or might it even be a standard feature in TVP?
Exactly that. there's a choice of 7 different cursor, 3 of which are pen-type.
Paul Fierlinger wrote:How about some other dhomas plugins such as "Backup" Would any plugin made for Mirage work in TVP, even those published by Bauhaus?
dhomas backup plugin works in TVP. I know for sure.