Q about scaling in FX-stack without cropping

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Keep Shooting
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Q about scaling in FX-stack without cropping

Post by Keep Shooting »

I could use some help on placing and scaling a figure in a video-layer.
Working with motion in the FX-stack I keyframed the zoom-out and position needed to make the drawing "glue" to the videomotion. This works fine with the small reference image. Then I positioned the actual figure (brush), as a reference for the final drawings, on the right position and applied the same motion FX. The motion looks good, but I loose my figure, for it is cropped in the first frame of the motion.
Is there a way to paste a brush on this FX-path without the cropping?
Or is there another way to do this?
To show you what I mean some jpg's of the result.

Regards, Conny
what I would like it to look like...
what I would like it to look like...
Ltst080403_LiInDruppels2b.jpg (55.83 KiB) Viewed 7162 times
the cropping
the cropping
Ltst080403_LiInDruppels.jpg (96.72 KiB) Viewed 7160 times
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Keep Shooting
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Joined: 30 Oct 2007, 13:58
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Post by Keep Shooting »

Found a workaround by reversing the sequence and doing the keyframing again... apply motion FX and reverse the sequence back to the original order. Now it works fine for I can use the same motion for other layers too.
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