ESC key doing a proper job :]

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ESC key doing a proper job :]

Post by mox »

Suggestion is in the title: for instance, if you bring back the FX stack panel and you already have one heavy cpu-wise FX (using huge custom brush, etc...), you won't be able to stop the preview/task at all :evil:
Jerome Lorin
Moxica (playground)
(Win11/TVP 12.0.3 pro)
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D.T. Nethery
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Re: ESC key doing a proper job :]

Post by D.T. Nethery »

+1. This is very important to fix the ESC key function in TVPaint so it actually allows the user to escape from the FX Panel or other processes because otherwise this leads to frustration and lost time. Often FORCE QUIT is the only solution to get out of it because pressing the ESC key is unresponsive. The ESC key is a basic function that should work dependably in TVPaint.

By the way, the same goes for processes such as the progress bar when Saving a project. Often a large project will have the progress bar reach 100% and then the progress bar closes, falsely leading the user to believe that the project is saved and they may continue working on the project , but this is not the case , because now the TVPaint interface is frozen as the spinning rainbow beachball/pinwheel spins around and around and around for a long time ... The progress bar should not reach 100% until the project is completely saved so the user knows for certain they may actually continue working on their project instead of just staring at the frozen interface as the rainbow beachball/pinwheel spins ...
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Re: ESC key doing a proper job :]

Post by Dean »

I agree with you, I will take a look at what can be done to improve usability of the ESC key ASAP.
Probably a vampire
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