Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

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Peter Wassink
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Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by Peter Wassink »

This problem occurs only in v.12.
upto V11 Anti-Alias works normal when doing this.

after using "optimize" on the custombrush anti-alias is no longer applied to my custombrush.
after rotating i see a jagged line.
whereas before "optimize" when there was some "room" around the brush. it would apply AA?

see image:
v12-aalias broken.jpg
as you can see in the bottom image,
this only happens to the parts of the brush that touch the boundary after "optimize"was done.
v12-aalias broken 2.jpg
v12-aalias broken 2.jpg (79.51 KiB) Viewed 8028 times
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
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Peter Wassink
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Re: Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by Peter Wassink »

I'd like an acknowledgement of this problem.

as this is in v12 only
and the anti-alias algorithms have been changed for v12 it seems that could be an explanation?
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
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Re: Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by Dean »

Hello Peter, we have acknowledged this issue and will conduct some testing.
Probably a vampire
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Peter Wassink
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Re: Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by Peter Wassink »

Great, thanks.
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
• PC: Win11/64 Pro - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core - 64Gb RAM
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Peter Wassink
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Re: Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by Peter Wassink »

Is this perhaps related. and something that maybe can be fixed?

When i load a custompanel some of the tools produce lines that look very different in v12.
V11-V12 DIFFFERNCE IN TOOLS.jpg (72.05 KiB) Viewed 2717 times
peter custom brush.jpg
peter custom brush.jpg (3.12 KiB) Viewed 2717 times
peter custom brush.tvpx
(2.99 MiB) Downloaded 18 times

btw the line switches sometimes from the intended thin one, to the large blobby one on the left. that is a glitch i'm not sure what causes it.
when i switch off wintab ( and go to windows INK mode in the preferences) it stays in that enlarged blobby mode.

I left it in the example picture because it illustrates the difference in line better.
in the left v11 version you much more smooothnees (blur) then in the v12 version.
Peter Wassink - 2D animator
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Re: Anti Alias on Custombrush is broken in v12

Post by ChristopherC »

+1 for interest on this being fixed, TVP12 demo breaks too many of my brushes, and drawing with any kind of thin line (1-2 pixel brushes) tends to 'skip' pixels often, which wouldn't happen in 11.
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