Tool I quickly made to manage layer groups and them collapsing.

Since there is no george command to collapse layers, I thought about using color groups instead with random colors
Idea is to have each layer a different color to quickly identifie them in clips while storyboarding, and to reduce the height of the timeline panel to have more space for drawing and easily identify current layer
Quick description of the buttons :
- Next color : Just switchs current layer color to the next one
- Next random color : Switchs color of cur layer to the next color using a global variable (not really random). It loops between the 27 indexes and doesn't take the current layer's color into account.
- New layer with next color : Uses previous button to create a new layer with a new color, so every layer of the clip has different colors hopefully. (I plan to make it avoid existing colors in cur clip maybe but for now I did it quick and simple)
- Switch cur colos vis : Just collapses or expands the current layer's color group
- Show cur Index only : Collapses all color groups but current one
- Expand all : just expands all layers again
- Layer up/down + Cur Group only : Let you go up and down showing only current color group. If all you layers have different colors, effectively show only cur layer
Will do icons someday (: