Where is the 'tv_writeuserstring' real file on disk?

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Where is the 'tv_writeuserstring' real file on disk?

Post by aAntin »

Hi there,

I'm using tv_readUserString & tv_writeUserString and I'd like to remove some obsolete data.

The documentation of tv_writeUserString mentions:
Set a string to the config file (.ini)
I could find two config.ini files:
  • one in /Applications/TVPaint Animation 11 Pro.app/Contents/Resources/Default Config/
  • another one in /Users/{whoami}/Library/tvp animation 11 pro/default/
but none of my data is stored in these files.

I've also used my OS Finder search, filtering matches by content, but there is actually no match corresponding to my data. 🤔

Could anyone tell me where the real file is?

My specs:
- TVPaint 11.0.8 (64 bits)
- MacOS 10.15.7

Thank you! 🙏
Antoine ANTIN
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Re: Where is the 'tv_writeuserstring' real file on disk?

Post by Svengali »

At some point it was suggested to me that one way to delete/remove an obsolete userstring data entry in the CONFIG.INI file was to include the following line in a script (where the text is left empty).
tv_writeuserstring iSection iName ""
I have not tested it myself.

In my experience, the CONFIG.INI file is only updated each time you EXIT TVPaint.

Perhaps someone from tvpaint could confirm or clarify these assertions.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
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Re: Where is the 'tv_writeuserstring' real file on disk?

Post by aAntin »

I've tested your suggestion. Not sure if it removes the entry for real, but thanks for the empty-string tip!

I look forward to reading more precision from TVPaint staff.

Antoine ANTIN
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