Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

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Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Padruig »


I have upgraded to TVPaint 12 and I am experiencing a lot of lag in performance vs TVPaint11. Brushes are slow to respond when drawing quickly, especially while drawing curves. The result will be jagged lines making sketching quite difficult. I also notice zooming and canvas rotation to be very choppy in comparison to 11.

I am running TVPaint on a 2017 5k Retina iMac (macOS Ventura, 13.4.1) 3.4 Quad Core Intel with 48 GB memory. I use an Intuos Wacom tablet with the latest driver installed.

Attached are two videos of my drawing experience with TVPaint 12 vs TVPaint 11. Any assistance in getting TVP12 running better would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Thierry »

Hello Padruig,

Thanks for the videos.
We did some tests, and we found out that the jagged lines only appear on Intuos tablets, not Cintiqs.
Why is it only on Intuos, we have no idea yet, but we are still investigating.

In the meantime, can you check if the jagged lines still appear if you activate the "Boost line smoothness" option? (be mindful that due to a bug this option is not saved when closing the software, but this bug is fixed on our side)
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Re: Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Padruig »

Thanks for looking into this Thierry. What a strange bug. I am away on holidays for the next week but I will try that setting when I get back and let you know if it makes a difference.

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Re: Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Padruig »

Hi Thierry,

I tried the Boost Line Smoothness option but it only made the lag on the brush even more pronounced. Here is a video with line boost turned on.
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Re: Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Padruig »

So an update, I installed TVPaint 12 on a Windows 11 machine where I work. I also use an intuos tablet there. There are no issues with the lag. So it is the combination of macOS and intuos tablet on my home computer that must be causing the issue. Hope that helps troubleshoot. I’d love to get this working properly on my home computer.

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Re: Performance Lag MacOS TVP12

Post by Padruig »

I have updated TVPaint to 12.0.1 unfortunately the drawing lag is still an issue for me. Version 12 is unusable. Is there any progress on a fix for this issue?

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