Pupet animation - number on the key

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Pupet animation - number on the key

Post by ini »


I want to rotate this racoon head 100000 degree in 24 frame,
but It's restricting It's rotate to closer way to rotate.

How about adding controlable exact number on the key?
e-mail : ini@7ini.com twitter : @Ain_is_
TVPaint 11 PRO STD (11.7.0 - 64bits) on
AMD Ryzen9 5950x, 3080 &2080ti, 128GB ram, Windows10, Cintiq 27 Pro (DTH-271)
TVPaint 11 PRO WIBU (11.5.1 - 64bits) on
Cintiq Mobile Studio Pro 13 (DTH-W1321H), Windows10
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