Old Guy

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Old Guy

Post by Jesoped »

Hi everyone,

I want to share a dialogue animation I made, celebrating the 40th anniversary of Star Wars Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.


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Re: Old Guy

Post by slowtiger »

This is great! But It seems that starting with the dog jump everything is in slow motion?
Oh, and I like the hands.
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Re: Old Guy

Post by Jesoped »

Hi Slowtiger

Thankyou so much for that great reply, Slowtiger - that was something I struggled with myself for quite a while - I finally decided that the timing would be about weight and balance, something that is a constant effort thing in my animations/real life... apparently... and so he smiled.: )

Please bear with me, I have over 25 years of experience working in the field of somatic manual therapy, and I'm a bit (if not alot) affected by that - sometimes things moves at a different speed to my eyes, I know there's a balance between real life and animation entertainment - I really try to find that golden balance between the two worlds, I really want a not just only, but an also... it's an ongoing learning experience for me.

I first thought about keeping it snappy and lightweight, as if everything was 2 dimensional, extremely lightweight and overexaggerated in believeability (in my mind) in function and in use, but I really wanted to communicate a feeling of force/weight distribution in the movement.
I use a combination of 15/30 frames per second,I thought about using 60 fps with a combination os 1's 2's and 3's to deliver a sense of slow/fast motion, but my brain/eyes seemed to prefer and/or being okay with just going with the 15/30 fps solution.

I ended up with the focus on keeping the timing and acting interesting and hopefully entertaining - I come from a background from mime, acting and performance before I ventured into the glorious world of animation, and apparently I've always valued presence and believability above the inventiveness of 2D, I did create some animations with some simple character a while ago where I totally disregarded those aforementioned statements, so I know that it's a creative choice.

With this animation I wanted to give the opposite, the character is old and therefore moves slowly, that force/weight distribution that happpens when the dog jumps on him I wanted not just only to have the frames to show the fart that ignited the speed in the weight transition, but also show his arms wanting to "avoidingly" embrace his (beloved) canine friend, before being ruthlessly plummeted to the ground - I could imagine that they would do this kind of affectionate/aggresive behaviour several times a week. Just subjective thoughts for me understanding/relating to the characters/movement.

Once again I thankyou very much for your comment, Slowtiger - I greatly appreciate it - I just hope that my above ramblings made any sense... if not, I would be more than happy to try to go deeper in my thought process.

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Re: Old Guy

Post by Jesoped »

A selection of frames from the animation.

Old Guy Frames 1.jpg
Old Guy Frames 2.jpg
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