I'm scripting an export of a tvpp files as PNG, and for a tvvp file, I have a
missing sound dependences popup window cf. attachement.
How can I get rid of it in my script?
I'm using "tv_LoadProject silent 1" for now.
Thanks in advance !
Theoretically, that should do the trick. Do not consider it as a "setting" command, it's a parameter that should be used when you actually load the project.
Code: Select all
tv_loadproject "/home/xavier/content/A/Project.tvpp" silent 1
Actually no, if you saw the popup as you explained then I'd think the silent parameter wasn't used.
Code: Select all
C:\"Program Files\TVPaint Developpement\TVPaint Animation 11.5 Pro (64bits)\TVPaint Animation 11.5 Pro (64bits).exe" "cmd=tv_LoadProject C:\Users\foo\Documents\bar.tvpp silent 1" "cmd=tv_SaveMode PNG b32" "cmd=tv_Background NONE" "cmd=tv_AlphaSaveMode NoPreMultiply" "cmd=tv_SaveSequence C:\Users\foo\Documents\bar_001.PNG" "cmd=tv_quit"
The bug may occur on every project file with missing dependencies (ie: video that was not preloaded, or sound).
There's a complete reference here : https://tvpaint.com/doc/tvp11/files/les ... mmands.txtMaelvon wrote: ↑29 Aug 2022, 13:33 Thanks Xavier,
My problem is that I want to export a lot of tvpp files, and cannot check manually, one by one, for missing sounds or videos, and I'll want just to pass this blocking popup in my script!
I've not checked if we can access to the sound panel in command line, is it possible, and how? Like removing all linked sound before exporting to Png.
Code: Select all
tv_soundprojectremove [iTrackIndex]
Remove a sound track
iTrackIndex int The track index (if 0 or not set, remove the first one)
0 int Track removed
-2 int Invalid track index
Code: Select all
// Remove all sounds
tv_SoundProjectRemove 0
IF result<0
Code: Select all
TVPaint.exe script="c:\absolute\path\to\script"