License on 2 computers?

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License on 2 computers?

Post by starcheopteryx »

First time posting, hopefully I don't mess it up too bad - I have a specific question about having more than one computer with tvpaint now that the dongle is being phased out.

I've been using an old copy of tvpaint 10 to be honest, but I want to save up to buy tvpaint 11 this summer, but I've also been wanting to save for another laptop (I currently use an Asus ROG with a huion), specifically a Galaxy Book 360 pro, so I can do more work without the set up. But I still see myself swapping between the two devices since the ROG has a lot more power.

I have read on the forums that previously, this was just done by moving the dongle around between devices, but I've also seen that the dongle is being phased out. Will it be possible to use tvpaint on both devices, or do I need to buy two licenses for that? It's just something I'd like to plan for.

sorry if it's a silly question!
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Re: License on 2 computers?

Post by Matthieu »


Dongleless licenses can be rehosted which means you can move them from computer to computer, just like dongles can be moved around between devices. Like the older system, you won't be able to use TVPaint on two different machines simultaneously with a single dongle-less license. But moving the license around computers is still possible with this new dongleless system.

You can learn more about the dongleless license rehosting process by reading some of our online documentation pages such as this one.

I hope this makes things more clear :-)
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Re: License on 2 computers?

Post by starcheopteryx »

That clears things up, thanks!
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