Select, click, and drag (move) multiple Clips

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D.T. Nethery
Posts: 4244
Joined: 27 Sep 2006, 19:19

Select, click, and drag (move) multiple Clips

Post by D.T. Nethery »

I think perhaps this has been requested before, but I don't remember when or how recently, so I am going to make this a new feature request.

Request: when holding down Shift to select multiple clips in the Project View, I would like to be able to hold and drag the multiple selected clips to move them all at the same time , rather than move them each separately. Just like when you select multiple layers you can hold and drag to move the selected layers up or down in the layer stack. Is it possible ?
Animator, TVPaint Beta-Tester, Animation Educator and Consultant.
TVPaint PRO 11.7.4 - 64bit
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Re: Select, click, and drag (move) multiple Clips

Post by NathanOtano »

Yep I would be happy to get that too :)
For now you can still cut/paste clips however to do what you want
Working on Windows 10
Creator of Disnosc, providing storyboard, animation and design for 2D realistic pictural animation: -
Highly interested in animation workflows, I'm open to scripting new TVP functions for individuals and studios.
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