SDK doesn't let me "loadImage" with spaces in path-name, ..on windows

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SDK doesn't let me "loadImage" with spaces in path-name, ..on windows

Post by kaspar128 »

I am creating a plugin, with the SDK, to load images:
On linux it works fine, but apparantly, on windows I have to encapsulate my path-string with `'"'` (single-double-single-quotes)
But! ..also, because on windows, I have to encapsulate my path with double-quotes first, (because of the `:`)

I tried almost every form of escaping but I cannot get it to work on windows. Is the a special escaping-sequence I should use on windows, for the `TVSendCmd`?

Here is an example of how I try it. (the cmd string comes from outside normally). I would like to know how the escaping in the `cmd`-string should be

Code: Select all

char result[4096] = {0};
char *cmd = "tv_LoadImage '\"'\"P:/path with spaces/image.png\"'\"' stretch"
int ret = TVSendCmd(iFilter, cmd, result);   
PS, also when I run this string in TVPaint, under a custom-action as an embedded george-command, this will run fine:

Code: Select all

tv_LoadImage '"'"P:/path with spaces/image.png"'"' stretch
So yes, I'm really puzzling for the right escaping-sequence.. If anyone has the answer, then thanks in advance!!
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Re: SDK doesn't let me "loadImage" with spaces in path-name, ..on windows

Post by Svengali »

You can do it in three steps:
1. Store your drive,path,filename,extension in a string variable...
PathImage = "C:\Program Files\TVPaint Developpement\TVPaint Animation 11 Pro (64bits)\Images\ShowMe01.jpg"

2. Enclose the string variable in single+double+single quotes...
PathImage = '"'PathImage'"'

3. Load the image to the current frame...
tv_LoadImage PathImage

You can also do it in a two step operation, first enclose the PathImage string, then load it...
1. PathImage = '"' "C:\Program Files\TVPaint Developpement\TVPaint Animation 11 Pro (64bits)\Images\ShowMe01.jpg" '"'

2. tv_LoadImage PathImage

You can also, do it all on the same line in one combined operation: call the LoadImage command, while surrounding the PathImage string in double quotes, and surrounding that with single+double+single quotes

1. tv_LoadImage '"' "C:\Program Files\TVPaint Developpement\TVPaint Animation 11 Pro (64bits)\Images\ShowMe01.png" '"'


EDIT: Looking again at your question, it seems that you want to know about the tv_cmd and how that is combined with the tv_LoadImage command (with proper quotation marks)?

So. This seems to work for me:
1. PathImage = '"' "C:\Program Files\TVPaint Developpement\TVPaint Animation 11 Pro (64bits)\Images\ShowMe01.jpg" '"'
2. tv_cmd SELECTION tv_LoadImage PathImage

You can substitute any one of the control parameters where the SELECTION parameter appears in step two.

If you are trying to load different images to different frames, you'll probably have to use a more structured, multiline script beyond the tv_cmd method, but I have no way of knowing what it is you are actually trying to do.

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
Android Tablet: rel. 11, Samsung Galaxy Note10.1 - 32GB with microSD 32GB
Android Tablet: rel. 11.5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7plus - 128GB with microSD 64GB
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