Optical Flow FX with A.I. You can use "A.I. Trains of 4 bit Computer" Algorithms, There's an Article

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Optical Flow FX with A.I. You can use "A.I. Trains of 4 bit Computer" Algorithms, There's an Article

Post by TheQuestionMark »

I was wondering is it possible modify Optical Flow with A.I.? When you use optical flow the image stays sharp and doesn't blur. You should try and read this article. Maybe M.I.T. can help you with programming the A.I. to work with TVPaint.

https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/1 ... computers/
Last edited by TheQuestionMark on 04 Mar 2021, 20:34, edited 1 time in total.
Windows 10 64-Bit TvPaint Professional 11.5.3 (64-Bit)
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Re: Optical Flow FX with A.I. "A.I. Trains of 4 bit Computer" Article

Post by Svengali »

The Optical Flow FX is the most interesting of TVPaint's image modification effects. Documentation on its uses and techniques remains limited.
I'm curious to hear how you are using OFFX and how you see A.I. being applied to it?

TVP Pro 11.0.10-64bit Win10 - 64GB ram -2TB HHD - 256GB SSD - Wacom Cintiq 16, driver 6.3.41-1
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Re: Optical Flow FX with A.I. "A.I. Trains of 4 bit Computer" Article

Post by TheQuestionMark »

Svengali wrote: 13 Dec 2020, 17:23 The Optical Flow FX is the most interesting of TVPaint's image modification effects. Documentation on its uses and techniques remains limited.
I'm curious to hear how you are using OFFX and how you see A.I. being applied to it?

I just want to fine to turn line by pushing the shape of the the drawing. Also the color layer too. And the A.I. learns to make the remain line layer and color layer remain sharp. If you StyleGAN A.I. the image remains sharp but not blur. But this is not StyleGAN it's just an A.I. image modification to remain images sharp. Theory as you push it auto-applies the correct sharpness of image modification. Or another theory it can also A.I. learn to shed pixels or add pixel image modification. Or you apply both to have seamless image modification line layer and color layer.
Windows 10 64-Bit TvPaint Professional 11.5.3 (64-Bit)
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