problems with sound

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problems with sound

Post by -Adi- »

I have a few issues with the sound in tvpaint..
1. when I copy a layer of a video (with sound) to a different composition the sound doesn't work. why?
2. how do I take only the sound of the video without the video itself?

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Re: problems with sound

Post by slowtiger »

2. needs to be done outside TVP. Use Audacity, just open the video file to get the sound, then export it in a useful sound format.
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Re: problems with sound

Post by 2dbert »

If you mean by 1. that you copy the image layer you get after importing a video file with sound into one project and the paste said image layer into another project, you lose the sound track because image and sound are no longer connected once imported into TVPaint. If there's a way to copy sound from one project to another, then I'm not aware of it, but it might be possible. In the meantime, a workaround would be to duplicate the project with the imported sound track, delete it's original image layer and copy and paste the new image layers from their project. Or, even easier if you have a number of new image layers, you import the video file again into the new project and delete the image layer showing the video's original visuals.
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