How do I download the latest update and install?

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How do I download the latest update and install?

Post by ingie01 »

Hoooy Boy, I am confused. I downloaded the latest update 2.5.7 for my iMac.
I have lost it! (just started using mac 8 months ago) It must be on my system........
I tried re downloading and was not able to do this on my iMac.
Any suggestions or help would be gratefully appreciated!
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Post by Fabrice »

Hi Ingie,

Please follow those steps :
* Go on the TVP update page : Update Page
* Enter your Lock and Unlock codes
* Select MacIntel as platform
* Click on the "Go" button

You should then be able to download the lastest version of you software.
Tell me if everything works fine. :)

PS : If you have lost a file on your Mac, try to use the spotlight option. :wink:
Fabrice Debarge
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Post by ingie01 »

O.K. everything went smoothly. However the toolbin, animator panel, and sketch panel are all not displaying properly. The icons are all missing.
What is stranger is that they disappeared each time until no icons with repeated closing and opening the program
iMac 10.4.10 2gb ram latest release of tvp pro
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Post by ematecki »

There was a file permission bug at some time, you have one of the bad installers, sorry....

Here is a quick fix :

Log in as the user who installed TVPaint.
Open a Console ( /Applications/Utilities/Console )
and type the following inside (please take care of spaces and double quotes) :

Code: Select all

chmod -R a+r "/Applications/TVPaint Animation"
This will fix it in a few seconds, the alternative being making another update :(

You need to create a new config after that.

Eric M.
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Post by ingie01 »

I am very sorry for my ignorance. I really do not know how to use the Console. Is this something I can look up in an on line fashion like OS X for the iMac. I can bring up the console but cannot enter any type as the system doesn't allow me. How do I log in?
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Post by ematecki »

You can also use the terminal, in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal .

Be sure to be logged in as a user with administrative rights.
If you are the only user of your system your usual login should be OK.

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Post by ingie01 »

ematecki, thank you for the time and concern. Now, here is what's new. I did not change anything after your advice. Later that evening I opened TVP and made a new configuration and viola, no problems everything updates as it should...........weird,eh?
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