I just can't get the XSheet working!
I presume one must have a few drawings and then rearrange them and use them at one's will with the help of XSheet.
I find nothing on this topics in your manual. As I am trying to understand the workings of this tool I crash TVPaint everytime I left-click on the column in the @SpreadSheet. And I can't get anything into these columns I can make no input.
I would be grateful for some tips on how to approach the XSheet.
Thank you and regards,
Where have you find Xsheet? It should not be present in TVPaint Animation FX stack! That's why there is no help and it works not fine!!!
Où as-tu trouvé le Xsheet? Il ne devrait pas être présent dans la pile FX! C'est pourquoi il n'y a aucune aide et qu'il ne fonctionne pas bien!!!
Où as-tu trouvé le Xsheet? Il ne devrait pas être présent dans la pile FX! C'est pourquoi il n'y a aucune aide et qu'il ne fonctionne pas bien!!!
Ex TVPaint Team
Patrice, my TVPaint beta still has 27 days left and in "about" it says it is a build of March 16. And it has XSheet in FX stack.
Another user helped me out (thanks ZigOtto) and I understand the principle now
...but still didn't figure it out how to manage multiple layers. I just hope this tool is developed further as it is an essential tool for Animation.
Regards, Bojan
Another user helped me out (thanks ZigOtto) and I understand the principle now

Regards, Bojan
Hi Bojan,
We do want to implement a nice XSheet features in our products since, as you said, it's an essential tool for animation. But it seems that it can't be what we want it to be if we kept it in the stack. That's why we need to think about it again, in order to offer a real and powerful project management tool (and further development is needed for that).
Regards, Nicolas
We do want to implement a nice XSheet features in our products since, as you said, it's an essential tool for animation. But it seems that it can't be what we want it to be if we kept it in the stack. That's why we need to think about it again, in order to offer a real and powerful project management tool (and further development is needed for that).
Regards, Nicolas
thanks for this explanation, Nicolas.
I always thought the Xsheet not as an FX, (it is not and won't be), but as an external Add-on (plugin?),
because some users don't need the spreadsheet, and others need it (specially when working in team workflow),
I think some professional studios, and independant animators would be ready to spend some additional €
to get this feature in an Add-on.
need some improvements though :
.. click&drag to add instances in a column,
drag&drop from a selected range of the source to the spreadsheet,
drag&drop on head-column to change order, (A.B.C > B.A.C),
simplify the "load Sources" process, (AnimLayers of the Project-Souce becoming automaticaly columns in the source,

I always thought the Xsheet not as an FX, (it is not and won't be), but as an external Add-on (plugin?),
because some users don't need the spreadsheet, and others need it (specially when working in team workflow),
I think some professional studios, and independant animators would be ready to spend some additional €
to get this feature in an Add-on.
need some improvements though :
.. click&drag to add instances in a column,
drag&drop from a selected range of the source to the spreadsheet,
drag&drop on head-column to change order, (A.B.C > B.A.C),
simplify the "load Sources" process, (AnimLayers of the Project-Souce becoming automaticaly columns in the source,

Hi Nicolas,TVPaint wrote:
We do want to implement a nice XSheet features in our product
VERY nice to hear that! So, we are waiting to see what the TV team is going to come out with

And it is true: we do not need a nice and tidy XSheet...as we do not have to take the drawings to a camera man anymore, but we need a good "project management tool" as you described it.
Salut, Bojan.