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by D.T. Nethery
07 Feb 2025, 15:51
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Turbulence displacement
Replies: 10
Views: 14826

Re: Turbulence displacement

Here is another Line Boil Test. I used a layer of "Noisy Turbulence" , set to blend mode Overlay 2. The held line art layer had a very subtle amount of jitter applied using the Shaker FX (X = 0.1 ,Y =0.2), I also applied the Warp Grid distortion FX to have the character "breathing&quo...
by D.T. Nethery
07 Feb 2025, 14:34
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: LINE BOIL FX added to FX Stack
Replies: 0
Views: 807

LINE BOIL FX added to FX Stack

In this topic there is discussion of how to use Displacement Mapping FX to apply a "Line Boil" effect: I sometimes use Turbulence displacement in AE to create a fake boil when I have a clean ink line. Is there an equivalent effect in...
by D.T. Nethery
07 Feb 2025, 14:31
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Turbulence displacement
Replies: 10
Views: 14826

Re: Turbulence displacement

I sometimes use Turbulence displacement in AE to create a fake boil when I have a clean ink line. Is there an equivalent effect in TVP ? I wanted to mention here that it would be great if a "Line Boil" FX would be added to the FX Stack as a standard feature, so a range of selected frames ...
by D.T. Nethery
06 Feb 2025, 15:57
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Keyframer should "see" Layers in Multiply blend mode from another Project
Replies: 11
Views: 32917

Re: Keyframer should "see" Layers in Multiply blend mode from another Project

Hi, Dean and Matthieu - I'm glad to know there has been some progress on solving this issue . Thanks for the response. Slowtiger: we were thinking about adding a way to do this, indeed. I would prefer allowing users to choose between those two ways of handling Multiplied layers. I suppose having mor...
by D.T. Nethery
04 Feb 2025, 23:20
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Turbulence displacement
Replies: 10
Views: 14826

Re: Turbulence displacement

There's always confusion about which FX only work with a white fill and which work also with lines on transparent. I'm used to fill the frames with white, apply the FX, merge layers when needed, and finally apply scan cleaner. Indeed it is confusing. Thanks for reminding me about filling the line a...
by D.T. Nethery
04 Feb 2025, 22:46
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Keyframer should "see" Layers in Multiply blend mode from another Project
Replies: 11
Views: 32917

Re: Keyframer should "see" Layers in Multiply blend mode from another Project

Bump again. TVPaint Developers , is it possible to fix this issue? I posted about it almost 5 years ago. (and even then Peter Wassink mentioned: " This is a very old issue , TVPaint is not treating blend modes in a 'What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get' way. Everything is fine viewed in the project, bu...
by D.T. Nethery
04 Feb 2025, 19:34
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Turbulence displacement
Replies: 10
Views: 14826

Re: Turbulence displacement - Line Boil

To get a subtle Line Boil effect I can use a layer of animated "noise" over top of the line art layer with the noise layer set to blend mode Overlay2. It works to make the line boil, but then I can't merge the noise layer with the line art layer , so it's not possible to fill the line art ...
by D.T. Nethery
06 Jan 2025, 17:52
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Brush Spreading FX causes crash on 4k or larger files
Replies: 0
Views: 5897

Brush Spreading FX causes crash on 4k or larger files

Sometimes I'm in the FX Stack working ona 4k or larger file and I accidentally select Brush Spreading FX . This causes TVPaint to freeze (endless rainbow beach ball spinning ... and then CRASH). Once selected there is no way to Escape from Brush Spreading. I think there needs to be some warning abou...
by D.T. Nethery
06 Jan 2025, 14:21
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4
Replies: 5
Views: 7360

Re: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4

Hi, Thierry - This issue happened again today. It was definitely after I had left TVPaint on and my computer went to sleep overnight. Screen Shot 2025-01-06 at 9.16.46 AM.jpg -David ------- Hi, Just to tell you that we are aware of this issue, which happens when leaving sleep mode on a Mac. We've be...
by D.T. Nethery
17 Dec 2024, 00:38
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4
Replies: 5
Views: 7360

Re: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4

Hi, Just to tell you that we are aware of this issue, which happens when leaving sleep mode on a Mac. We've been unable to make it happen on our side so far. The license isn't deactivated, it's just that when leaving sleep mode, I suspect that the software is too fast to request if the license is v...
by D.T. Nethery
13 Dec 2024, 21:42
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: interface change
Replies: 18
Views: 9343

Re: interface change

What's wrong with the simple "attach" button? Attachments > Add Files is working for me. (click on images to see them larger) Screen Shot 2024-12-13 at 4.41.45 PM.jpg My attached image shows up inline like this: Screen Shot 2024-12-13 at 4.40.19 PM.jpg Make sure you are using the Full Edi...
by D.T. Nethery
13 Dec 2024, 14:46
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4
Replies: 5
Views: 7360

Re: License Issue awaking from sleep TVP12 MacM4

I had the same thing just happen with TVPaint 11.7.4 . (which has never happened before) The message says "Your license has been remotely deactivated . Please save your work before TVPaint Animation closes". I save the work and TVPaint closes. But then if I reopen TVPaint it opens as norma...
by D.T. Nethery
04 Dec 2024, 16:26
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New hardware
Replies: 8
Views: 13314

Re: New hardware

18 yrs is exactly the age of my cintiq too - should I look out for any signs of failure? Creaking joints, a higher demand of tea, forgetting which room it is in? Fortunately I've already a new one (bought when I had the money). The only sign I noticed were that for the last few months small cluster...
by D.T. Nethery
04 Dec 2024, 14:49
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: New hardware
Replies: 8
Views: 13314

Re: New hardware

I've been very happy with my Mac Mini. (it's not one of the new ones, but is one of last Intel chip Mac Minis from 2018). My old warhorse Cintiq 21UX (that I have had since 2006) quite suddenly died. Well, 18 years was a good run ! To replace it I purchased a XP-Pen Artist Pro 19 (Gen 2) 4k . The 19...
by D.T. Nethery
25 Oct 2024, 13:16
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Bin missing from brush panel?
Replies: 6
Views: 6945

Re: Bin missing from brush panel?

Matthieu wrote: 24 Oct 2024, 13:31 We have been discussing this with the team. Deleting the Bin may have been a mistake, indeed. We are considering putting it back in a future V12 update.
I would be glad to see the Bin return. Thank you.