Search found 1238 matches

by schwarzgrau
11 Jan 2023, 19:45
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Tvpaint Android keeps crashing on s7 plus
Replies: 24
Views: 47643

Re: Tvpaint Android keeps crashing on s7 plus

I was wrong. TVPaint is crashing A LOT. Sometimes it's enough to lay the tablet on a table (display autorotation is turned off)
by schwarzgrau
10 Jan 2023, 22:22
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Rotate/Zoom on Android
Replies: 0
Views: 10945

Rotate/Zoom on Android

Something I really love about TVPaint is how fast I can move around in the drawing area. Alt to pan, Alt + Right click to zoom, Alt + Ctrl to rotate the canvas. Unfortunately it seems you can't use Ctrl in Shortcuts on Android (and you can't change the rotate shortcut), so you're stuck with the 15º ...
by schwarzgrau
10 Jan 2023, 21:31
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Stream Deck Implementation
Replies: 6
Views: 27619

Re: Stream Deck Implementation

As this is a Improvements Requests section, could there possibly be an option to scrub zoom via holding a single button shortcut as an alternative to the present Alt+Right Click? I was just browsing the forum for ways to zoom on an Android tablet and came across a very old post from a former staff ...
by schwarzgrau
09 Jan 2023, 22:13
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Shortcuts bug?
Replies: 13
Views: 22093

Re: Shortcuts bug?

Since I still got this problem on Windows and Android (TVPaint 11.7.0). I searched for this topic again and Davids post was part of the solution: I named a custom panel : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :...
by schwarzgrau
29 Dec 2022, 15:10
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: ANDROID version suggestions, S-pen/Wacom pen controls
Replies: 4
Views: 17472

Re: ANDROID version suggestions, S-pen/Wacom pen controls

By the way I've tried Infinite painter (didn't know it before) and it became instantly my default drawing app (beneath heavy paint). It's really great if you can customize the stylus that much.
by schwarzgrau
28 Dec 2022, 13:17
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Tvpaint Android keeps crashing on s7 plus
Replies: 24
Views: 47643

Re: Tvpaint Android keeps crashing on s7 plus

(Thankfully?) I hadn't read about the android versions required to run TVPaint. I'm succesfully running TVPaint 11.7.0 on android 13. But since the last post here is over an year old all issues have already been resolved by now? Currently my only problem is that I don't know which folder I should us...
by schwarzgrau
26 Dec 2022, 11:54
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Eraser on Android version?
Replies: 2
Views: 2846

Re: Eraser on Android version?

At least I know now that it isn't possible at the moment. Thank you Svengali.
by schwarzgrau
26 Dec 2022, 10:29
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Eraser on Android version?
Replies: 2
Views: 2846

Eraser on Android version?

I recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 FE. And I was really surprised how well TVPaint works on android. Also the idea that you can work on your android tablet, but only export on a licensed version is great. The only thing I'm missing is the pen button eraser. I bought a Wacom One pen, which w...
by schwarzgrau
05 Mar 2022, 22:20
Forum: Remove features
Topic: Anyone still using the project templates ?
Replies: 15
Views: 83440

Re: Anyone still using the project templates ?

Weird. I still got this good old PAL presets, but missing something like 4K or even HD presets. Just to be clear: I can choose 4K, HD etc. in project size presets, but the templates are pretty outdated.
by schwarzgrau
22 Feb 2022, 13:07
Forum: Remove features
Topic: Anyone still using the project templates ?
Replies: 15
Views: 83440

Re: Anyone still using the project templates ?

Maybe it could be an idea to update the presets. I don't know how many users still use PAL
by schwarzgrau
11 Feb 2022, 03:12
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Vertical selection
Replies: 3
Views: 5362

Re: Vertical selection

Oh this would be great. (set +1 is already possible with a button from the "handy panel", as far as I know)
by schwarzgrau
31 Jan 2022, 11:31
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Big problem about layer with REPEAT IMAGES exporting to AfterEffect
Replies: 3
Views: 5090

Re: Big problem about layer with REPEAT IMAGES exporting to AfterEffect

I encountered the same problem and it seems you need to convert them to "real" frames before using the export to AE. That's the reason I made this script here.
Of course it's only a stupid workaround, till it's fixed, but better than nothing.
by schwarzgrau
26 Jan 2022, 15:46
Forum: Feature & Improvement requests
Topic: Hide Hidden Clips
Replies: 6
Views: 8386

Re: Hide Hidden Clips

oh this would be really really useful. Something like the "shy-toggle" in After Effects, which works for all deactivated layers.
by schwarzgrau
14 Jan 2022, 15:44
Forum: Off Topic Discussions
Topic: Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 vs Pro 24 for TVPaint
Replies: 9
Views: 28956

Re: Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 vs Pro 24 for TVPaint

I guess you already settled for one or the other, but maybe it helps some other people with a similar problem: My main Cintiq is a 22HD, which is perfectly fine. I don't even need that much drawing surface (but that probably comes down to drawing style I guess). I also use a Mobile Studio 16, which ...