Search found 31 matches

by pigbelly
16 Apr 2009, 12:40
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: cant export the frameCount
Replies: 4
Views: 9926

Re: cant export the frameCount


I guess its the same in lets say AfterEffects its just that the layer then is created as a sublayer..
No prob..think its good

by pigbelly
14 Apr 2009, 17:40
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: cant export the frameCount
Replies: 4
Views: 9926

Re: cant export the frameCount

ohh okay.....feels strange to have to do all those steps to just ad a framecounter....??

BUT big thanks for the help

by pigbelly
14 Apr 2009, 15:27
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: cant export the frameCount
Replies: 4
Views: 9926

cant export the frameCount

hi...its me again :-)))

I put the FX tool frameCount in my scene. It works BUT when I try to export its gone??

do I have to click something somewhere to get it to "follow" the export??

by pigbelly
09 Apr 2009, 08:43
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: multiple sound files ???
Replies: 1
Views: 7042

multiple sound files ???

Hi again :-))

is it possible to have multiple sound files in TVP?

by pigbelly
07 Apr 2009, 13:18
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: tracking - stabelizing
Replies: 0
Views: 8426

tracking - stabelizing

Hi there its Me again :-)) well I'm trying to stabilize a shaky camera shot... I'm using the two-point FX plugg. If I just leave the tracking points in default and do a pixel track I get a nice spline and TVP tries to stabilize my shot..BUT the tracking points default selected by TVp is not good eno...
by pigbelly
01 Apr 2009, 09:28
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible
Replies: 12
Views: 28778

Re: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible

ohh didn't know you could do actions??

by pigbelly
01 Apr 2009, 09:07
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible
Replies: 12
Views: 28778

Re: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible

Great!!!! Love you guys

But i cant help to think that maybe the re-compute thing should be dafault???? can one put it to default??

by pigbelly
01 Apr 2009, 09:00
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible
Replies: 12
Views: 28778

Re: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible

here is a image reference of my problem:

Before I modify.
TVP_frames_v01.jpg (29.54 KiB) Viewed 28670 times
TVP_frames_v02.jpg (31.59 KiB) Viewed 28674 times

by pigbelly
01 Apr 2009, 08:49
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible
Replies: 12
Views: 28778

Re: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible



BUT its creates a frame per frame if you know what I mean?? I mean I have lets say 6 key frames for a sequence of 30 frames, after modify I have a key per frame...

by pigbelly
01 Apr 2009, 08:42
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible
Replies: 12
Views: 28778

Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible

Hi there

I'm trying to Flip a sequence horizontal, is that possible??? (meaning that I want to invert my animation)

and also when I use the transform tool to manipulate many images at the same time, when I apply it adds images(inbetweens) into my shoot???

by pigbelly
23 Feb 2009, 00:24
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Scale and translate, how?
Replies: 32
Views: 64619

Re: Scale and translate, how?

Aardman is also using a similar pipeline see for a making of: I actually sat next to the dudes and dudetts(:-)) that made that Aardman short when I worked there. Watching how they worked, copying, rotoscoping, tracing every single line, really made me avoid 2D for a ...
by pigbelly
17 Feb 2009, 11:50
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Scale and translate, how?
Replies: 32
Views: 64619

Re: Scale and translate, how?

Ohh Thanks!!! well those illustrations was done in photoshop so.......sorry I couldn't help myself :-))) Yes I'm really hooked on TVP right now, but I have to say that animating in 2D is very different than doing it in 3D. I would argue that its easier going from 2D to 3D than 3D to 2D :-) cheers /T...
by pigbelly
17 Feb 2009, 10:38
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Scale and translate, how?
Replies: 32
Views: 64619

Re: Scale and translate, how?

I would ask no more, and really like this forum, I love the fact that TVP staff is monitoring the forum and are answering topics, hat's of to you guys!!

by pigbelly
17 Feb 2009, 10:14
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Scale and translate, how?
Replies: 32
Views: 64619

Re: Scale and translate, how?

Thank you for pointing out that TVP is not Photoshop. :D Well so TVP is TVP and we should NOT try to make this software better? or it is maybe already perfect?? :wink: You must understand that I like TVP, just that there is some details in the software that I dont like, as there is stuff in Photosho...
by pigbelly
17 Feb 2009, 10:01
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Noob Question: filling and de-select marking
Replies: 31
Views: 56972

Re: Noob Question: filling and de-select marking

Yes Paul I have installed and although it fixes some stuff i have still the same problem..It still pops when I cut and I would still argue that doing scale, translate and rotate is more complicated in TVP than in PhotoShop. That said I wont stop using TVP just because of this :-) TVP is a great soft...