Search found 7 matches

by SebGodard
02 Apr 2020, 20:54
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Automaticaly display drawing number
Replies: 0
Views: 14266

Automaticaly display drawing number

Hi fellow TVPainters! I wondered if there is a way to automaticaly write or re-write the drawing's number? Until now I wrote them manually on the side of the screen, as we used to do on paper animation. Annotation 2020-04-02 211703.png But when I have to retake some charts, for instance if the direc...
by SebGodard
10 Mar 2020, 15:08
Forum: Technical Support
Topic: Next instance considering all layers
Replies: 2
Views: 12928

Re: Next instance considering all layers

Hi all!

This is a rather old thread, but I'd like to up it, as I couldn't find the answer anywhere:
I know the shortcut ctrl left & right arrow keys for previous & next instance in the current layer.
Is there one considering all layers ???
using 11 pro 64b, win 10.
by SebGodard
11 Feb 2020, 15:48
Forum: George scripting
Topic: tv_customMode
Replies: 6
Views: 2545

Re: tv_customMode

Thank you for your answers, Hironori Takagi: Yes, preserve transparency toggle is a way to do this. Actually the script works OK with EmbeddedGeorgeScript, and I believe lets you chose the A color. But your preserve transparency solution seems better to me, thank you. Well at least I learned about g...
by SebGodard
07 Feb 2020, 21:50
Forum: George scripting
Topic: tv_customMode
Replies: 6
Views: 2545

Re: tv_customMode

ok I think I got there in the end.
Still coould be improved I think but it's my first contact with George, so... :)

If anybody is interested, here is the tool:
(42 KiB) Downloaded 306 times
Probably there was already a tool to achieve this, but I couldn't find it.

Any comments are welcome.
by SebGodard
07 Feb 2020, 21:41
Forum: George scripting
Topic: tv_customMode
Replies: 6
Views: 2545

Re: tv_customMode

HI, quick update, For the record , here is a more complete doc on tv_custommode: I understand now that these arguments are a pixel matrix: I have fiddled with it qui...
by SebGodard
07 Feb 2020, 18:17
Forum: George scripting
Topic: tv_customMode
Replies: 6
Views: 2545

Re: tv_customMode

Once again in english: Could somebody describe to me how to craft a brush that colorizes previous strokes to colour A? I tried with modes, but to no avail. I looked at the tint brushes "Paint over lines to turn them [color]", but they output only preset colors. These brushes run with the t...
by SebGodard
07 Feb 2020, 18:09
Forum: George scripting
Topic: tv_customMode
Replies: 6
Views: 2545


Bonjour! Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait plus d'information sur un script George inclus dans les brosses de remplacement de couleur (Tint [color], Paint over lines to turn them [color]). Annotation 2020-02-07 174518.png Je vois qu'elles font appel à la commande tv_custommode, décrite sur ce lien dans le...